Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Call for Paper: International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability (ISCES) 2015

The International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability (ISCES) was initiated as an annual event to provide international students with a platform to work together, exchange ideas and understanding on critical environmental issues and jointly create new solutions. Supported and funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Tongji University and Beijing Green Future Environmental Foundation, and organized by UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD), ISCES was successfully held over the last four years (2011, 2012, 2013,2014), attracting approximately 300 students every year from more than 40 countries across the globe and contributing to the dissemination of good practices and concepts on environment and sustainability amongst student communities.

The “2015 International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability (ISCES 2015)” will be launched on the World Environment Day (June 5) and last for a week. This year, the event will attract the sustainability-oriented enterprises and NGOs to attend. With the support of UNEP, Tongji University and Beijing Green Future Environmental Foundation, plus the experience over the past three years, we believe that this year’s conference will be another milestone and success in promoting good practices and concepts of sustainable development among university students.

My experience when I joined ISCES 2014 was very amazing. Every student from all countries were gather and discuss about environmental issues in their country. We brought some ideas as the solution for environmental problem in our environment around. All students who are selected as the participant, have presented their poster at the poster session, discuss in 5 fields of environmental issues, interactive dialogue, green campus tour, field trip, and amazing one is cultural night. In this amazing of chance, I brought my thesis as the topic of my poster. It was about solid waste management in beach resort area.You can download my presentation by clicking this link ISCES 2014 Presentation

Figure 1. Walking around city of Shanghai

Figure 2. Participant of ISCES 2014

Figure 3. Clothing distinguished by the field (sub topic)

Figure 4. Standing on the ISCES 2014 information board

Figure 5. Indonesian delegates

Figure 6. Team of Ecosystem and Climate Change (Yellow team)

Figure 7. New friend from India at Cultural Night

Figure 8. Showing each national costume at Cultural Night

Figure 9. Asian: India, Nepal, Indonesia, and India
Figure 10. Poster session on ISCES 2014

Prepare your research, ideas, and action
Check this link for more information Call for Paper ISCES 2015


  1. Assalamualaikum..
    Mas made wahyu,,, ikutan ISCES 2014 yahh???

    1. Salam,
      Halo Stephanie, maap baru baca commentmu,
      Iya, kemarin saya dpt kesempatan ikut ISCES 2014,
      Ayo ikut ISCES 2015, ud dibuka pendaftarannya :)
