Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Flood Water Recycling

Every year, flooding has become an annual disaster which resulted in economic losses for the society. Generally, flooding is caused by the overflow of drainages because the high intensity of rain. The strength of flood can damage the construction and its under. Flood makes the people's activity has been hampered, interfere the mobility, transportation, and the most important is people's health. Flooding that carrying many trash and sludge will pollute the water sources, like in a well. Because of that, the people will in trouble in getting fresh water as their need.If they are still using contaminated water, it will increase the risk of illness , such as diarrhea, tinea versicolor, itch, and other skin diseases. It is very damaging for the children who loved to play with flood water.
Based on the case above, I and my partner is already created a innovation, a simple technology for treating flood water. It called Flood Fresh Water, a device with primary aim is to process the flood water becomes fresh water. This simple technology is using coalgulation and flocculation concept. Coalgulation is the process of adding coalgulant, like lime (CaCO2) to bind the suspended solid as the substance of flood water. The addition process is done by rapid stirring (flash mix) in order to improvement of the mixing, in this case we used pneumatic mixing. Then, flocculation is the process of floc formation from the suspended substances. In this process is done by slow stirring (slow mix) in order to support the floc formation, so it will become bic flocs which will precipitate. The length of time in both process are 1 minute for coalgulation, 5 minutes for flocculation, and 25 minutes for settling process, it was in case of 10 L of flood water. As an additional treatment, we used sand filter as the secondary treatment and also activated carbon filter in the tank of coalflocculation. Activated carbon is used as odor and color absorbent. Sand filter which is using silica, is used to clarify the effluen of coalflocculation. Design of Flood Fresh Water Unit can be seen at the picture below.
Figure 1. Design of Flood Fresh Water
Figure 2. Running of Flood Fresh Water

Figure 3. Tools and materials

Figure 4. Result of water recycle using Flood Fresh Water (down up). The sample is taken from a pond

Figure 5. Air pump which is used as rapid mixer

Figure 6. Installation of Flood Fresh Water

Figure 7. Result of water recycle using Flood Fresh Water in turbidity (Left-Right, last one is the sample). The sample is taken from a river.

For further information, please contact me at

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