Sunday, March 8, 2015

10 Breakfast for Starting Your Lucky Day!

Boost the planet's health -- not to mention your own -- with essential strategies for eating well every day. The organic-versus-local debate rages on. On the one hand, organic food is grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which require loads of energy to make and contaminate soil and groundwater when they're put to use. But given that food travels an average of 1,500 miles before it lands on your plate, eating locally has the edge when it comes to using less transportation energy. Where does that leave you? Strive to eat as locally and organically as you can. Admittedly, that's easier in certain locales than others; check out local to find a farm near you.
The next time you rush out the door in the morning without something to eat, consider this: Skipping breakfast can set you up for overeating later in the day. A healthy a.m. meal, on the other hand, can give you energy, satisfy your appetite, and set the stage for smart decisions all day long.Let's check this out, some kinds of simple and quick breakfast for starting your day.

1. Apple and Cheese
Apple and cheese is fairly fit for our breakfast because its contain of nutrients. It doesn't need much time to prepare them. They can be consume directly or cooked before. So, you can prepare and enjoy your breakfast quickly. For your daily morning, just prepare an apple and 1-2 ounces of cheddar cheese. Cut them into small pieces and mix. You can add other taste by adding almond, milk, or raisins.

2. Omelet
Don't make in hurry become your reason to not to do your breakfast. There're so many kinds of breakfast menu you can make quickly. Omelet, is one of simple and quick breakfast you can prepare just in 3 minutes. Take 2-3 of your egg from the refrigerator. Break it and put in the bowl. Add some salt and fry in the frying pant with some oil. Stir them randomly and if you like for more taste, you can add some onion, tomato, or pepper.
3. Milkshake
If you have trouble in digesting some appetizer food, milkshake will be one of your alternative. Making milkshake is very simple and quick. You just need put you fruit, vegetables, or milk you have into your blender machine. The energy contain in a glass of milkshake is very good for starting your day. An example of your milkshake, put a banana, 3 strawberries, or apple, or orange, or other vegetables, in to blender machine. Add some milk or vanilla or honey. Don't forget to add water. Then, blend them till smooth.

4. Toast Bread
Toast Bread is a good meal for your breakfast. You just need prepare your bread, jams, and toaster. If you don't have toaster, you can toast them on the stove, but be carefull. Making a toast bread is very easy and simple. Bread is a source of carbohydrate. How to make it? Smear your bread with butter on the both sides of your bread. You can use your jam, chocolate, or scrambled egg. If there is no toaster, you just need use your teflon to fry the bread, back and forth until the bread is brownish.

5. Scrambled Tofu
Tofu is very healthy food you can serve for your breakfast, it is very cheap and easy to find in the market. If you have more time before going to work, you can try to make this scrambled tofu. It is also can be become your lunch, of course with rice. You need to go the market a day before to buy the matter. You need egg, tofu, leek, chicken, sprout, or other ingridients. Fry all of the ingridients and don't forget to add some salts.

6. Cappucinno and Biscuit
If you don't have such of ingridients, fruits, or vegetables, just look at your refrigerator, is there some biscuits, coffee, milk, or tea? They are also could be your breakfast. A fusion of Cappuccino/Coffee and biscuit is good for your breakfast. Just pour your cappuccino with hot water and enjoy. Biskuit with chocolate taste, fruit, or peanut is better to start your day. You also can bring you biskuit on your lunch box.

7. Onigiri
Onigiri is one of breakfast menu for Japanese. It is also become their lunch for all people. It made from rice and seaweed. The amount of an Onigiri is not to much, but enought to fulfill your breakfast. You just need a cup of rice, dried seaweed, and such a fruit, fish, or chicken for the content. Wrap all of them with fist and serve. Then, wrap them with the dried seaweed. Nowadays, it is easy to find some seaweed in the market. 

8. Cereal
Cereal is the most popular breakfast kind in this world. It can serve you much of energy and just need less than 5 minutes to serve. You just need prepare some cereals at home. There are so many combination that you can try with cereals. Such as milk, fruits, wafer, vegetables, yogurth, vanilla, almond, or raisins. If you like, you can also add some honey.

9. Sandwich
Sandwich is a very complete meal for your breakfast. It contains some carbon, protein, and vitamin. If you have 10-15 minutes befor going to work, to serve a sandwich, it is very easy and simple.  Not only for the morning, you also can bring them for your lunch at office. For a piece of sandwich, you just need a bread, cheesem onion, tomato, cucumber, or other vegetables. You also can add some egg, fish fillet, or meat.

10. Fruit Salad
Salad is the most favourite meal for the breakfast in the world because it is very simple and quick to serve. Besides that, you can serve fruit salad for 2-3 days and keep them in your refrigerator. You can make the fruit salad with all of fruit you have. Such as apple, banana, mango, orange, or you also can make it from vegetables. You also need to add some milk, yoghurt, or honey.
That's the best ten for your breakfast. It make simple, quick, and try to make it zero waste. Using some organic matter is very good for your body. 


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